Box Office Hours: T-Th 12pm-6pm, F 12pm-4pm, one hour before show 301-694-4744

Your support makes MET thrive! We truly could not undertake the scope of our work without arts enthusiasts like you. Did you know that ticket sales cover only 40% of the expense in creating great theatre? Supporting MET is easy and your donation can be tax deductible.

Online by clicking the donate button or adding a donation when purchasing tickets/ subscriptions.

Consider a recurring donation. Recurring donations present lots of budget-friendly and memory-friendly options! Give monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Add a gift to your ticket total when you place your ticket order.

Cash Place in the donation box in the lobby or give to the box office attendant.

Check – Mail or drop off your check payable to “Maryland Ensemble Theatre” at 31 W. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701

Cryptocurrency: Visit this website, select United Way of Frederick County in the “Choose a Nonprofit or Cause”, add your information, and then in the box that says “Message to Nonprofit”, enter Maryland Ensemble Theatre. Our local United Way will make sure that MET receives the donation and sends you a tax statement for your gift. 

Donor Advised Fund – Contact your banking institution to request a donation to MET.

Matching Gift Ask your employer or enroll in your employer’s workplace giving campaign. Your gift could go twice as far!

Stock – Contact MET for wire fund transfer instructions.

Bequest Identify MET in your will along with the amount or percentage you wish to contribute.

Be a champion of MET by telling a friend, completing an online review, and/or tagging us in your next social media post!

Tax ID# 52-1964330 

MET is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.


Contact Development & Community Outreach Manager, Andrea Baker, at or 301-694-4744; 702.

Maryland Ensemble Theatre