MET’s Ensemble School and FunCamp are committed to serving our community and our students, regardless of their ability to pay. Limited funds are provided by MET and our generous patrons. Scholarships cover 25%-100% of class costs for selected recipients. Scholarships are awarded based on financial need as funds are available. To be considered, applications must be received no later than 3 weeks prior to the start of classes.
Application for the MET’s Ensemble School or FunCamp Scholarship are available to families whose annual gross income meets certain thresholds as determined by United Way’s Asset Limited, Income Restrained, Employed (ALICE) report findings.
For more information on our scholarships, click here.
Child care means a child that is enrolled in a day care program.
Child(ren) means a child that is not enrolled in a day care program or attends public, private or homeschool during the day.