The Wind in the Willows

Audition Information

Click here to download the audition form.

Scroll down for rehearsal and production schedule as well as audition songs and sides.

The Wind in the Willows Rehearsal and Performance Schedule

Monday, July 01, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Tuesday, July 02, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Wednesday, July 03, 2024 OFF OFF
Thursday, July 04, 2024 OFF OFF
Friday, July 05, 2024 OFF OFF
Saturday, July 06, 2024 OFF OFF
Sunday, July 07, 2024 OFF OFF
Monday, July 08, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Tuesday, July 09, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Thursday, July 11, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Friday, July 12, 2024 OFF OFF
Saturday, July 13, 2024 10:00 – 12:30pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Sunday, July 14, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Monday, July 15, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Thursday, July 18, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Friday, July 19, 2024 OFF OFF
Saturday, July 20, 2024 10:00 – 12:30p Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Sunday, July 21, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Monday, July 22, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Thursday, July 25, 2024 4:00 – 6:30 pm Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Friday, July 26, 2024 OFF OFF
Saturday, July 27, 2024 10:00 – 12:30p Wind in the Willows Rehearsal
Sunday, July 28, 2024 4:00 – 7:00 pm Wind in the Willows TECH
Monday, July 29, 2024 4:00 – 7:00 pm Wind in the Willows TECH
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 4:00 – 7:00 pm Wind in the Willows TECH
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 4:00 – 7:00 pm Wind in the Willows TECH
Thursday, August 01, 2024 Call: TBD// Curtain: 7pm Wind in the Willows PERFORMANCE
Friday, August 02, 2024 Call: TBD// Curtain: 7pm Wind in the Willows PERFORMANCE
Saturday, August 03, 2024 Call: TBD// Curtain: 2pm
Call: TBD// Curtain 7pm
Wind in the Willows PERFORMANCES


Messing Around in a Boat- Vocal Track

My oh my
My oh my
To be messin′ about in a boat on the river with you, Ratty, with you
The sort of a thing that I thought
only river folk do, Ratty, who knew?
Fancy me floating away down the stream
With you on the oars, its a wonderful dream
It sets me apart from the dormouse, the vole, and the shrew
When I’m messin′ about in a boat on the river
With you

Messing Around in a Boat- Accompaniment Track

A Friend is Still a Friend- Vocal Track

If he has a weakness
Habits that are his
Are they not mere foibles, that make him who he is
Which of us is qualified for casting the first stone
For none of us are blameless
We have faults of our own

A Friend is Still a Friend- Karaoke Track

The Wind in the Willows Audition Dance (coming soon)

The Wind in the Willows Side #1

                         SIDE 1
                         (THE RIVER)
Hello. You’re a mole, aren’t you?
And you are a rat.
I’m a water rat.
Is there a difference?
Is there a difference between glass and diamonds? Is
there a difference between tinsel and gold?

I get the point.
Would you like to come across?
That’s all very well to say.
Now, then. Step lively!
               (He holds out his paw and MOLE climbs
               gingerly into the boat.)
I’ve never been in a boat before.
What! How can that be? What have you been doing


Well, I’ve been doing what moles do. Digging. Driving
gardeners mad. You know the sort of thing.

It doesn't sound much, compared to being in a boat.


So, this is a river.

This is the river.
And you really live her? By the river? All the time? How jolly.


By it and with it and on it and in it. It’s my food, my
drink, my company, my world.

The Wind in the Willows Side #2


                         MRS OTTER
You haven’t seen Portia, have you?
Is she lost again?

I'm sure she'll turn up.
                         MRS OTTER
I’m sure she will, but why can’t she tell me where
she’s going?

Hello, Mum.
There you are! Where have you been?
Oh, round and about. Playing with traffic.
                         MRS OTTER
Exploring the wild wood.


On the riverbank....

Why can’t you stay in one place?
I will. Just a soon as I’ve eaten this beetle!
               (She darts away, lost and gone again.
               Mrs Otter sighs.)
It’s a difficult age. They know everything. They learn nothing.

Like toad.
                         MRS OTTER
Don’t talk about Toad! He nearly took my foot off this
morning, with that infernal machine of his! Well, I
shouldn’t let her out of my sight. Portia! Wait for me!
You’re not goo old to be grounded.
               (She hurries away.)


Choreography Video

Maryland Ensemble Theatre